Friday, May 11, 2007

Hawaii Update 200705102217

Hi all from Hilo!

After nearly missing the interisland flight to Hilo, I am safe and sound in the hostel (Arnott's lodge) in Hilo, Hawaii. As I wrote in the pervious mail, our flight to Honolulu was delayed. It finally landed only 50 minutes before our next flight was scheduled to depart. During that time we had to claim our bags, walk 400m with the bags to a different terminal, check in for the flight at least 25 minutes before departure, pass security and board the flight. So, by 19:25 (35 minutes to departure) my bag arrived, and I ran all the way to the other terminal in the other edge of the aiport. I checked in about 2 minutes late and immediately passed security including taking off
shoes, and taking laptop out) and ran towards the gate and on to the tarmac to board the plane (no jetways in the commuter air terminal).

Itai's bag arrived later, and he boarded the plane only 5 minutes before scheduled departure. If I had not notified the ground crew that he's coming they would have left without him. It seems that Amazing Race-style connections do happen in real life.

Hilo International Airport commuter terminal looks like a wooden shack. Baggage belts are permanenetly labeled with airline names, and the car rental station is another wooden shack.

Our accomodation for tonight, Arnott's lodge, is a simple yet clean and comfortable hostel. We'll probably stay here for two more nights, and then back to Honolulu.

If you want to know why we had to take a flight inside Hawaii, look closer at this map:
Map of Hawaii

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