Dedicated server hosting, which is comparable to what I have now costs an arm and a leg. The cheapest hosting I could find is in the order of $30/month. Therefore, I decided to go with a web hosting service. After doing a brief survey, I signed up with bluehost.com. For less than $100/year, I get all the bandwidth and disk space I need, plus a free domain name.
I registered the domain epsalon.org and have already moved this blog there (please tell me if there are any problems). I'll soon start copying all the contents of my website to the new server, one service at a time.
I expect to leave the dorms around late July - early August. By then, most of the primary services should already be hosted on the new server. There should be no change in the URLs.
[...] Find place to host new server. [...]
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ReplyDeleteI have to migrate this server as part of my transition from the Technion to Stanford, and it's not an easy procedure. What I have presently is akin to dedicated server hosting, which is extremely expensive. diy home decor craft ideas wall - Decorenest
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